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Journal of the Korean Society for Environmental Analysis 2018;21(4):252-263.
Distribution and Human Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Sediments and Fish from Suyoung Estuary of Busan, Korea
부산 수영강 하구역의 퇴적물과 어류에서 다환방향족탄화수소 및 폴리염화비페닐의 농도분포와 인체 위해도 평가
이봉민, 윤세라, 박시현, 이인석, 최민규
Distributions of 15 PAHs and 82 PCBs were investigated in sediment and fish samples collected from the Suyoung Estuary of Busan, one of the most urbanized and newly contaminated areas in Busan. The concentrations of S15PAH in sediments ranged from 17.9 to 777 ng/g-dry and were mainly originated from combustion processes. The concentrations of S82PCB in sediments ranged from 0.55 to 12.5 ng/g-dry and were significantly correlated with those of 12 dioxin-like PCBs and 6 non-dioxin like PCBs. Higher concentrations of PAHs and PCBs were found in the upper river and the inner Suyoung Bay than in marina and the outer Suyoung Bay. No sites exceeded the ecotoxicological values of PAHs and PCBs in marine sediments. Benzo[a]pyrene was not detected in fish samples and the concentrations of S4PAH (0.15~0.45 ng/g-wet) were lower than the maximum level set by EU. The levels of PCBs in fish samples were at less than 1% of the Korean maximum level and 2% of the EU maximum level. The concentrations of dioxin-like PCBs were 0.01~0.32 pgTEQWHO-2005/g-wet, and the highest concentration was found in eels, which were at less than 5% of the EU maximum level. Dietary intakes of PAHs and PCBs through fish consumption were estimated, and their lifetime cancer risk and non-cancer risk were much lower.
Key Words: PAHs, Dioxin-like PCBs, Non dioxin-like PCBs, Sediment, Risk assessment


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