Study on Water Quality Improvement in Public Drinking Water Facilities in Gyeonggi-do |
경기도내 먹는물 공동시설의 수질 개선방안 조사 |
최필권1, 허평2, 이경희1, 조덕희2, 김창규2, 김태화2 |
1경기도 보건환경연구원 2경기도보건환경연구원 |
Abstract |
In this study, mineral springs were monitored to determine whether they are being contaminated by rainfall onto microorganisms. In addition, the sterilization efficiency of an ultraviolet sterilizer used in various mineral springs was investigated. It was observed that the incongruity rates of total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and heterotrophic plate counts were 64.8%, 20.1%, and 11.4% respectively. In July, when rainfall was high, the incongruity rates of microorganism-related characteristics were at their highest (76%), suggesting that changes in precipitation were directly related to incongruity rates of microorganism-related characteristics within mineral springs. A T-test result of 0.002 (p<0.05, significant, 2-tailed) between the clay contents of soil in the valley and those of a control soil suggested that the possibility of underground penetration of soil in the valley is higher than that of general soil. Results of the sterilization test showed that E. coli was inactivated at the time of contact with an ultraviolet intensity of 10,000±20 µW/cm2 for at least 3 seconds and no photorecovery was observed. |
Key Words:
Mineral spring, Ultraviolet, Sterilization efficiency, Precipitation, t-test |