Effect of On-site Sampling Methods on the Determination of Siloxanes in Biogas |
현장에서의 바이오가스 포집방법이 실록산 측정값에 미치는 영향 분석 |
김다은1, 박성범2, 박대원1, 김낙주1 |
1서울과학기술대학교 2한솔신텍(주) |
Abstract |
Siloxanes are volatile silicon compounds found in biogas that need to be removed in the process of utilizing biogas as an energy source. Therefore, optimal detection of siloxanes in biogas is essential. In this study, two different configurations of a direct sampling method using methanol for solvent absorption are compared. The two configurations are on-site and off-site direct sampling. The on-site direct sampling involves trapping gas directly from the biogas source in impingers filled with methanol, and the off-site method involves absorbing gas in impingers from gas bags filled with biogas previously sampled and homogenized under controlled temperature and pressure conditions. The absorption methodology used is originally from Air Toxics Ltd. and ESS Laboratories. A change in flow rate was considered in order to keep the same composition of biogas throughout multiple sampling events. Also, GC/MS and ESTD methods were applied. To minimize instrumental errors, different GC capillary columns were tested to find the optimal GC/MS conditions. Polysiloxane-coated columns (HP-1MS, HP-5MS) showed better peak separation and quantification when compared to a polyethylene glycol-coated column (HP-INNOwax). Finally, the two sampling configurations were statistically compared and it was determined that there are no significant differences in detection results between them. |
Key Words:
Siloxanes, Volatile methyl siloxanes, GC/MS, Direct sampling methods |