A Research on the Applicability of Water Quality Analysis using the Hyperspectral Sensor |
초분광센서를 이용한 수질 분석의 적용성에 관한 연구 |
박연정1, 장현지1, 김윤석2, 백경희3, 이희숙1 |
1한국수자원공사 2한국수자원공사 수자원연구원 3K-water 수질분석연구센터 |
Abstract |
The Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) technology is mainly used to investigate land coverage, mineral, forest,vegetation, and so on. Recently, the HSI technology is recognized as one of the promising technique to assessand monitor water quality in real-time. This study is designed to provide a review on HSI data processingmethods, hyper-spectral sensors, and applications of water quality hyper-spectral data. In order to understandthe status of hyper-spectral remote sensing technology and research development of water quality, we largelydiscuss multi-spectral and hyper-spectral sensing, the type of hyper-spectral sensor, data processing technology,research present condition on water quality items such as chlorophyll a, phytoplankton, total suspended solids,total phosphorus, total nitrogen. However, the obtained data on water quality by HSI system is still shortageto apply water pollutants monitoring. In addition, the HSI data of target water quality compounds dependenton physiological step of inherent optical property and specific property of water quality is significantly requiring.
Although there are various obstacles on HSI technologies as useful method to assess water quality, theadvantages of HSI to investigate water pollutants around broad area and monitor point-sources have been recognizedin positively. The HSI is based on technology that provides high resolution; higher accuracy; high sensitivitycompared the multi-spectral imaging. In this study, the applications of HSI sensors to water qualitymonitoring and novel water management in environment, and the possibility to apply HSI technology for monitoringwater quality are investigated to researching related paper. |
Key Words:
Hyperspectral sensor, Water quality, Analysis, Application. |