낙동강 본류 표층 퇴적물 내 미량금속 오염도 평가 |
김신1, 양득석1, 안정민2, 이혜윤1, 김범1, 박수정1, 김용석1 |
1국립환경과학원 낙동강물환경연구소 2국립환경과학원 물환경연구부 |
Abstract |
To carry out a contamination assessment of trace metals in surface sediments from the Nakdong river main stream, surface sediments were collected at 15 sites and analyzed for trace metal content and grain size. The zinc, chromium and nickel (SH-01, SH-13) levels were characterized as “heavily polluted”, nickel and cadmium (SH-01) were categorized as “SEL” and nickel (SH-01) was determined to be at III level when compared with sediment quality guidelines (United States Environmental Protection Agency, Ontario Ministry of Canada, and National Institute Environmental Research of Korea). The enrichment factor and index of geo-accumulation results show that SH-01 has the highest level of anthropogenic contamination. In addition, according to the PLI, trace metals contamination was high at SH-01 (1.84) and SH-13 (1.07). The sediment from SH-01 was composed of comparatively coarse sediments compared to other sites but the metal contents were high, which is considered to be less related to grain size and more related to contamination by trace metals. The highest level of contamination (SH-01) in the study area is thought be due to the effect of mine tailings leaking in abandoned mines. |
Key Words:
Nakdong River, Surface sediment, Trace metal, Contamination assessment |