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Journal of the Korean Society for Environmental Analysis 2017;20(4):200-210.
Pollution Characteristics of Asian Dust and Haze Aerosols Observed at the Background Site of Jeju Island in Spring 2016
제주도 배경지역의 2016년 봄철 황사, 연무 에어로졸 오염특성
송정민1, 부준오1, 신수현2, 김원형1, 강창희1
2제주대학교 화학·코스메틱스학부
PM10 and PM2.5 aerosol samples were collected at the Gosan site of Jeju Island during the spring season of 2016, and their major ionic species were analyzed, in order to examine the pollution characteristics of Asian dust and haze aerosols. During non-event days, the mass concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 aerosols were 30.1±13.9 and 15.7±6.3 μg/m3, respectively. The concentrations of non-sea salt (nss)-SO4 2- and NH4 + were respectively 4.3 and 3.3 times higher in fine particle mode (PM2.5) than in coarse particle mode (PM10-2.5); however the NO3 - concentration was 1.6 times higher in coarse particles than in fine particle mode. In addition, the composition ratios of major secondary pollutants (nss-SO4 2-, NH4 +, NO3 -) were as high as 57.8% for PM10-2.5 and 92.8% for PM2.5. However, for the Asian dust days, the concentrations of nss-Ca2+ and NO3 - increased highly by 2.4 and 2.8 times, respectively, in coarse particle mode, and by 1.9 and 3.1 times, respectively, in fine particle mode. For the haze days, the concentrations of secondary pollutants increased 2.2~ 6.0 and 2.4~3.3 times in coarse and fine particles, respectively, and were 2.3~3.1 and 1.0~2.4 times, respectively, than those for the mist days. The atmospheric aerosols were acidified primarily by sulfuric and nitric acids. On the contrary, they were neutralized mainly by ammonia in fine particle mode during the haze days, but by calcium carbonate in coarse particle mode during the Asian dust days. Ammonium salts existed mostly as ammonium sulfate in fine particles, but as ammonium nitrate as well as ammonium sulfate in coarse particles
Key Words: Asian dust, Haze, Mist, PM10-2.5, PM2.5, Gosan site


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