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Journal of the Korean Society for Environmental Analysis 2016;19(4):254-263.
Organic Matter Control in Industrial Wastewater by Online TOC
총유기탄소 연속자동측정기를 이용한 산업폐수 유기물관리 방안
오은하1, 김재령2, 박귀환1, 하훈1, 양수인3, 이용운4
3전라남도 보건환경연구원 미생물과
The reduction of organic loading in waste water is the one of the chief purposes of waste water treatment processes. In this study, we measured the movement of organic matter continuously during the treatment process and monitored its concentration by using online TOC analyzer. Using this method, we attempted to evaluate the effectiveness organic matter management using with a online TOC analyzer. We also attempted to develop waste water treatment monitoring technology. Wastewater treatment plants that processed waste from basic petrochemical compound manufacturing facilities using chemical and biological treatments, that resulted in acidic or alkaline waste waters were investigated. Two kinds of inlet waters and one kind of mixing water were studied to monitor the movement of organic matter. Waste water influx and settling tank, aeration tank, and filter were used to monitor three kinds of water remotely. Laboratory and online measurement results were compared periodically to verify the reliability of the test results. After real-time monitoring, the movement of organic materials in inlet water and the impact of organic matter on loading changes were verified during the waste water treatment process. This monitoring was carried out twice over six weeks. The first attempt focused on quality control and adjustment of the measurement conditions and the second one focused on the actual monitoring. Due to insufficient pH control due to the influx of unknown alkaline samples, abnormal results were estimated in the first attempt, and reliable results were only obtained in the second attempt. More than 10 times the expected amount of abnormal results were obtained ; these can be attributed to high wastewater tank cleaning and process work. In conclusion, we were able to determine the effectiveness of real-time monitoring of organic matter movement in waste water treatment plants and suggest improvements for long term monitoring and automatic treatment of waste water.
Key Words: Industrial wastewater, monitoring, correlation, TOC, COD, TMS


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