J Korean Soc Environ Anal Search


Journal of the Korean Society for Environmental Analysis 2016;19(1):54-62.
Distribution of Arsenic and Heavy Metals in Soil Particle Sizes in the Areas Affected by the Former Smelter
Eun Jung Kim1, Jong-Chan Yoo2, Sang-Min Park2, Eung-Ryel Park2,3, Kitae Baek2
1Department of Environmental Engineering, Mokpo National University
2Department of Environmental Engineering, Chonbuk National University
3Korea Environment Cooperation
제련소 주변 토양의 입경별 비소 및 중금속 분포 특성
김은정1, 유종찬2, 박상민2, 박응렬2,3, 백기태2
1국립목포대학교 환경공학과
2전북대학교 환경공학과
Correspondence:  Kitae Baek, Tel: 82-63-270-2437, Fax: 82-63-270-2449, 
Email: kbaek@jbnu.ac.kr
Distribution of heavy metals in different particle size fraction of soil could affect the risk of human metal intake and the soil removal efficiencies. In this study, metal contaminations in soils and metal distributions in various soil particle sizes were investigated in the areas affected by the former Janghang smelter. Soil samples were collected from two rural areas (A, B) located over 3 km away from the former smelter and one area (C) located within 100 m from the smelter. Soils were partitioned into four particle size fractions (>2 mm, 2-0.075 mm, 0.075-0.038 mm, and <0.038 mm) and metal distributions in particle size fractions were characterized. Soils in site C was highly contaminated with arsenic and heavy metals due to the influence of the smelter, while metal concentrations in sites A and B were quite low compared to those in site C. The metal concentrations in site A were close to the background metal concentrations indicating that this site was not affected by the smelter. On the other hand, soils in site B showed high arsenic concentrations, which might be affected by the smelter and soil mineral characteristics in this site. Lead and copper were accumulated in the fine particles (<0.038 mm) mainly by sorption, while arsenic was enriched in sand fraction (0.075-2 mm) associated with soil minerals.
Key Words: Heavy metals, Arsenic, Soil particle size


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