Characteristics of Submicron Particle during High Concentration Episodes in Spring, 2014 at Seoul, Korea, using the Aerosol Mass Spectrometer |
AMS를 이용한 초미세입자의 서울지역 2014년 봄철 고농도 사례 특성 연구 |
박종성, 송인호, 박승명, 신혜정, 홍유덕 |
국립환경과학원 |
Abstract |
This study is aimed to qualitatively estimate the source of high PM episodes in Seoul metropolitan area. Theinorganic and organic composition of non-refractory PM 1.0 was measured by high resolution time of flightaerosol mass spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) during high PM episodes (Feb. '14~Mar. '14). The ionized massspectrum data of organic matter was then analyzed by PMF (Positive Matrix Factorization) in order to identifythe account of local emission and long range transport in high PM episodes and to provide scientific data forimprovement of national air quality forecasting. As a result, six components of the organics were resolvedincluding organic aerosols emitted from various primary combustion sources such as hydrocarbon-like organicaerosol (HOA), and cooking-related organic aerosol (COA) as well as three types of oxidized organic aerosols(OOAs), and nitrogen-rich organic aerosol (NOA). Real-time component analysis of fine particle (PM 1.0 ) usingAMS can identify the characteristics and cause of various air pollution cases and effectively measure the trendof air quality, making it a crucial component in national air quality forecasting. Through component analysisof high PM episodes, the effect of local emission and long range transport has been identified. Further, Webelieve this would provide important information required for validation and improvement of chemical modelin national air quality forecasting. |
Key Words:
High PM episode, AMS, Long range transport, Secondary aerosol formation, PM 1.0, Seoul intensive atmospheric monitoring station |