Development of Multi On-line Heavy Metal Monitoring System for Waste Management of Hazardous Heavy Metal |
유해중금속 배출관리를 위한 다중 온라인 중금속 모니터링 시스템 개발 |
박성호1, 박지훈2, 이정원2, 방재현2, 홍금용2, 박선구2, 이동권2 |
1비엘프로세스 2비엘프로세스(주) |
Abstract |
In this paper, a real-time monitoring system is developed to monitor trace heavy metals, such as mercury,cadmium, lead, copper, zinc, arsenic, and chromium ions, in the water environment. It is based on Anodic strippingvoltammetry (ASV) by using Boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes which is developed. The proposedsystem can measure multiple trace metals using ASV the one of the electrochemical analysis technique. Forthe exact analysis the system has own pre-tratment system, it works for removing interference of organic compoundsand composes UV and electrolysis. This system adopts zone fluidic injection system which can minimizemaintenance cost, configure system simply and also extend various system. The multiple trace metalssystem is remotely monitored and controlled and has self diagnosis function. Finally, the system is using realtime monitoring at an work place and when the pollution accident is occurred, it makes possible to take anaction quickly. |
Key Words:
ASV, BDD, Heavy metal ions |