Comparison and Assessment of Two Different Types of Real Time Atmospheric Water Soluble Ion Analyzers |
대기 중 수용성 입자상 이온성분 실시간 분석기 성능 비교 평가 |
신혜정, 홍유덕, 한진석, 박승명, 박종성, 송인호 |
국립환경과학원 |
Abstract |
This study was conducted to compare and assess two different types of real time atmospheric water solubleion analyzers (MARGA and AIM) using ion concentration data measured in 2014 at an intensive monitoringsite in Seoul, Korea. The two analyzers yielded very similar trends in time series of ions and the absolute concentrationsof major components such as sulfate, nitrate and ammonium, whereas they showed difference inthe absolute concentrations of minor components such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Thecorrelation coefficients of major ions (sulfate, nitrate, ammonium) measured by both analyzers were higher(0.97~0.98) than those of minor ions (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium) (0.18~0.55). The ratios of totalion concentrations to PM 2.5 mass concentrations given by AIM and MARGA were 0.60 and 0.64, respectively.
Furthermore, the ion-to-mass ratios measured by these instruments were compared for five PM 2.5 mass concentrationranges (< 10 /m3, 10~25 /m3, 25~50 /m3, 50~100 /m3and >=100 /m3). It was found that the correlationcoefficients of both analyzers increased along with higher PM 2.5 concentrations, which implies that thereliability of their measurements is higher in relatively high PM 2.5 ranges. The findings of this study are meaningfulin interpreting data, and may be useful for improving the reliability of ion concentration measurementswith the characteristics of each instrument taken into account. |
Key Words:
MARGA, AIM, Ion concentrations, PM 2.5 |