Contribution of NOD to total BOD_(5) of Effluent from Biological Sewage Treatment Plant |
하수처리 방류수 BOD_(5) 중 NOD 기여율에 관한 연구 |
민경우1, 문용운1, 정원삼2, 이대행2, 서광엽1, 김승호1, 백계진1 |
1광주광역시 보건환경연구원 2광주광역시보건환경연구원 |
Abstract |
In this study, BOD_(5) , CBOD, NOD, T-N etc. were analyzed for influent and effluent samples collected from two sewage treatment plants(STPs) and for river water samples. The sampling took place from March to October,2010. The NOD contribution to BOD_(5) varied with the sampling site, NOD accounts for 10~15% of BOD_(5)for STP influent, 45~56% for STP effluent, 3~26% for the stream water, respectively. The contribution of NOD to BOD_(5) also varied with water temperature, the contribution ratio was about 20% during the summer (July-September), however NOD portion of BOD_(5) was 50%~60% during the spring and the fall. In addition, the experimental NOD values for STP effluent were compared to theoretical NOD ones. The ratio of theoretical value to experimental one was 0.89~1.21 implying that the experimental value would be very close to the theoretical one. BOD_(5) and various types of nitrogen were analyzed for 10 days. Some samples showed complete nitrification and some did not. One sample showed nitrification immediately |
Key Words:
BOD, CBOD, NOD, effluents, sewage treatment |