Evaluating Annual Water Quality of Anyang-stream Using Spatial Analysis and Self-purification Criteria |
자정단계 기준 및 공간적 분석을 통한 연간 안양천 수질 실태 평가 |
이재성1, 잔짓1, 윤성일2, 이광현1, 최승일1, 김태영1 |
1한국과학기술연구원 2한국국제협력단 |
Abstract |
The water quality of Anyang stream, the first tributary of Han River, was investigated from 2006 to 2010.
The concentrations of nutrients and organic contents such as ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and chemical oxygen demand in water were measured by grab sampling analysis. Water samples were collected at the marked point for five years. According to pollutant levels, Anyang stream was divided into six zones. Spatial changes of annual water pollution were demonstrated using zone identification and strip analysis technology. |
Key Words:
Anyang stream, annual pollution levels, spatial change, nutrients, organic content